Government Projects

Background Information & Project Overview

A local municipality, serving a community of approximately 243,000 residents, undertook a strategic project aimed at enhancing the safety of its Entertainment District, particularly from vehicular threats during high-profile events. The primary goal was to secure pedestrian zones without relying solely on traditional traffic-management equipment, which is when they approached Concentric Security for a solution.

Challenges & Requirements

The initiative stemmed from the challenges posed by the substantial flow of vehicular traffic during special events which heightened the risks to pedestrian safety. The municipal authority sought a robust solution to segregate vehicular and pedestrian traffic efficiently, ensuring the safety of its citizens and supporting law enforcement activities without the need for manual traffic direction.


In collaboration with the local police department and business community, the municipality implemented advanced perimeter security solutions in partnership with Concentric Security, notably the installation of four Heald Matador Bollards. These bollards were strategically placed to offer maximum protection during peak times and were integrated seamlessly with existing infrastructure, without any compatibility issues, thereby fortifying the safety measures in the Entertainment District.


The successful deployment of the perimeter security solution, in partnership with Concentric Security has not only addressed the immediate safety concerns but also demonstrated the municipality’s commitment to leveraging advanced technology for public safety. This case serves as a commendable example for other cities facing similar challenges, showcasing effective collaboration with an expert and strategic planning in enhancing urban security infrastructure. This case study underscores the importance of adaptive and integrated security solutions in urban environments, particularly in areas with high pedestrian traffic. The municipality’s proactive approach in looking for an experienced partner and updating its security measures sets a benchmark in urban safety and operational efficiency.